Artists Directory: Christian Booking Agency

Christian Artists Live: Who We Are and What We Do

Christian Artists Live is not a Christian booking agency nor do we intend on becoming one.  We are a complete directory and resource on finding artists and a resource to help you organize great Christian events of all types.

You will find hundreds of great Christian artists listed here. We make it easy to connect with the Christian booking agency that will help you get those Christian artists to your church or city.

Simply locate an artist or artists that you are interested and complete the form on the right side. Afterwards, we will send your information to the correct person or organization to help you book that Christian artist.

We do not collect any commission on any artist or connection we make from you.  In case you are interested in how we pay our bills, we run an event ticketing company called AttendStar.

We do not just stop at helping you book a Christian artist! We also have a blog where we share valuable promotion tips on how to get people to your events.